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DWW News – February, 2022

In this first edition of my newsletter, I have four articles: a case study of the total re-building of a website; an article on “fake hits” to your website; a look at Google’s renaming of Google My Business and an introduction to the new social media feed plugin from WP Manage Ninja.

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DWW News

Hi {{contact.first_name}},
Welcome to the February, 2022 edition of my newsletter.  Each month I share a variety of articles of interest about the work I am doing on WordPress websites.

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Impact Panel Works – a case study

The most recently completed website has been a total re-build of a website originally designed by a multi-national agency for the owners of Impact Panel Works.

The site, as delivered, simply didn’t pass the “pub test” …friends and family couldn’t find it through normal Google searches; the phones weren’t ringing; and the enquiry form wasn’t generating enquiries.

Click the button below to read the full story of the rebuild – starting with a detailed site audit and following through with keyword research; Google Business Profile setup; WordPress rebuild and finally hosting on fast local servers.

Read this case study →
Fake Hits or Invalid Traffic to your Website

Fake Hits or Invalid Traffic to your Website

While carrying out a detailed site audit of the Impact Panel Works website, it became obvious that there was a very large discrepancy between the Google Analytics reports being presented by the agency and the traffic that was really visiting the site.

I discovered that at least two “bots”, or external programs, were impacting the Google Analytics of this website. One was generating invalid traffic from nine separate overeas countries every day. The other generated thousands of “fake hits” from a range of Anstralian cities on one large spike once a month.

Any person who can benefit financially, in any shape or form, by sending fake traffic can send fake hits to your GA property.

I wrote a blog article about this subject and submitted it to the LinkedIn community where it was well-received by the digital fraud specialists.

Read this article →
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Google Business Profile

Google has recently renamed Google Business Manager to Google Business Profile. This free service is offered to business owners as a means of increasing the overall visibility of their business in Google Search and Google Maps.

Correct setup of the Google Business Profile and its synchronisation with the new website was a key feature of the rebuild of the Impact Panel Works website.

While the service is free and, at first glance, it looks simple to setup, Google Business Profile needs to be optimised and maintained to produce the best results.

On the Impact Panel Works project, I worked with Yvonne Clark of Local Marketing 101. Use this button to visit Yvonne’s website.

Visit Local Marketing 101 →
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WP Social Ninja

I’d like to introduce you to the latest plugin from the WP Manage Ninja range that I’ve invested in and been using on a number of websites lately.

WP Social Ninja comes from the same stable as Fluent Forms, Fluent SMTP and Fluent CRM …all of which I regularly use and recommend.  In fact, the database for this newsletter is maintained in Fluent CRM; the Contact and Subscribe forms are built in Fluent Forms; the newsletter email was connected to Mailgun email delivery service through Fluent SMTP; and the reviews on the front page of my website are synchronised and displayed through WP Social Ninja. 

WP Social Ninja integrates most of the major social platforms into WordPress to enable display of reviews, social feeds and chat feeds. Until this point, I have been concentrating of displaying Google and Facebook reviews, but with the latest release of the plugin, display of Facebook feed is now available. I have used other plugins to do this in the past, but they have always been a bit flakey.

If you would like to consider the display of reviews or social feeds on your website, contact me to discuss the details.

Contact me →

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