WordPress Websites
Over 43.2% of all websites on the internet are built on the WordPress platform. That’s a total of approximately 835 million websites (2022 data). (Source: WordPress Statistics and Facts)
This number is made up of sites ranging from simple, personal blogs right through to very bespoke websites of some major companies such as Sony, Walt Disney, MTV and BBC.
So why is WordPress so popular when it started life as a free, open-source blogging platform? The answer lies in it’s free, open-source design. Many developers have found it to be a great foundational platform to build plugins and themes which have vastly extended the functionality of WordPress past simple blogging.
Once I discovered the flexibility of WordPress, I decided to build my business exclusively on this platform.

Custom Website or Starter Template?
For many applications, a website built from a professionally designed starter template will provide a effective solution. For others, the requirements are such that only a custom built site will suffice.
I am very happy to work with either alternative. Most of the websites I’ve built have been totally bespoke, but this site was built from Kadence Starter Template.

Additional Services
A WordPress website doesn’t exist in isolation. To provide a complete solution for my clients, I provide the following services to support WordPress Websites.
- Domain name and DNS management
- Web Hosting
- Website Audit
- Search Engine Optimisation
- Website Maintenance
- Local Search Optimisation