Hide Park luxury accommodation Maleny - Doug Watt Websites

Hide Park

Hide Park was a luxury accommodation destination located right on Mountain View Rd in Maleny. Recently, the property reverted to being a private residence. This portfolio is retained only to demonstrate some interesting aspects of the website/

It is conveniently close to everything that the township of Maleny and the Sunshine Coast hinterland has to offer. Along with the many on-site features of the property, it is the ideal luxury get-away retreat.

The property offers two self-contained suites and the purpose of the website was to make these suites available for on-line booking.

The site uses the WooCommerce platform along with a selection of extensions to enable accommodation booking and follow-up emails.

Luxury accommodation in Maleny

Image Map Navigation

Bec Eddleston was commissioned to create the image used in the opening screen of the website as well as a “dollhouse view” of the home.

The dollhouse view became the backdrop of an image map that enables visitors to take a tour of the various rooms. Hovering over the image map highlights the featured areas and enables an active link.

typical booking calendar - Hide Park


WooCommerce is a customizable, open-source eCommerce platform built on WordPress. It is the most popular eCommerce platform for WordPress and was used on this project to handle bookings.

Through the use of a couple of WooCommerce extensions, visitors are able to check availability of the rooms against a calendar; make bookings and payment; receive a sequence of informative emails about their booking; and finally receive a personalised Thank You email from the hosts with a request for a Google Review.

available suites selector - Hide Park

…providing the right e-commerce solutions for our business.

We came to Doug with purely conceptual, non technical ideas about what we wanted our website to achieve. Doug was able to listen to our ideas and, through an iterative process, guide us through to completion. Through an independent peer review we learned that Doug employed best practices and prioritized security which will serve our business well into the future. Our website is up and running and providing the right e-commerce solutions for our business.
Gigi Mitchell

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